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Translation in English will be online soon Lors d’une augmentation de la fréquence de l’organe réglant, il est nécessaire d’optimiser l’énergie. C’est premièrement en augmentant le facteur de qualité de l’oscillateur qu’il est possible d’avoir un gain en puissance. Nous avons donc décidé de commencer par travailler sur des oscillateurs sans pivots, car ceux-ci entrainent...


Translation in English will be online soon L’échappement est le mécanisme placé entre la source d’énergie et l’organe réglant. Il a pour but de compter les oscillations de l’organe réglant ainsi que d’entretenir celui-ci. Son fonctionnement est optimal s’il transmet l’énergie sur une partie précise et fine de la course de l’oscillateur, généralement au plus...


September 2012       Presentation at the SSC 15th day of study ” La Résonique Horlogère, nouveaux défis pour l’horlogerie mécanique de précision ? “                   June 2012      Publication in the Bulletin SSC n°69 ” De nouvelles pistes pour le développement de la montre mécanique de précision haute fréquence ”...


- Does magnetic variation have effect on the oscillator’s frequency as it does for a magnetic pendulum ? No magnets are used only to transmit energy through the magnetic field. Magnetic variation would affect the amplitude of the oscillators but not its frequency. Frequency is only depending on the oscillator’s characteristics such as the shape,...

Mechanical principle

Problematic In order to sustain a high frequency resonator, the traditional swiss lever escapement had to be rethought. Increasing regulating organ’s frequency requires apparently more energy to sustain the oscillator. Four key points related to reduce energy consumption: Reduce oscillator’s weight or inertia, Reduce oscillator’s amplitude, Increase oscillator’s Q factor, Improve energy transmission’s efficiency in...

Applications and prototypes

Horlogical Résonique is not only a theory. The principle has been demonstrated with several prototypes. Different kinds of resonators were developed with variation on geometry, frequency and mode shape. Those prototypes were made for lab testing purpose with in-depth performances study. All of them are proposing a silent and accurate regulation and can easily be...

History and epistemology

Classical mechanics Although humanity has had the sufficient mathematical knowledge for over 2000 years, mechanical science had to wait until 17th century to finally develop. Before Galileo was born (1564) nobody had ever consider using numbers, weight and measurement to build an accurate piece of science. The birth of the XVII th century science’s was...

The oscillator

As the regulating organ, the oscillator divides time. It is the watch’s most important mechanism because accuracy is directly depending on its precision and stability. The higher the resonator’s frequency is, the higher the watch’s accuracy will be. This is especially true for a wristwatch. High-frequency regulating organs are more accurate because:   – Improving...


Synchronization The Résonique concept has been simulated. A set of two differential equations coupled by magnetic forces is enough to mathematically demonstrate the possibility of having the gear train’s rotational speed synchronized with a sustained resonator. Both of these equations are based on Newton’s second law linking the acceleration of a body with his mass...

Elementary notion

Résonique is a portmanteau containing elements from the French words “résonance”, “fréquence sonore” and “énergie mécanique” –  “resonance” “acoustic frequency”, “mechanical energy”. Résonique is continuing the research into sonic horology that began with a few antique clocks that used sonic frequencies (20 Hz – 20 kHz). The guiding principle is the synchronization between the gear...